Auraspeed 90F J
Auraspeed 90F J 101259_0_20230714131502 Sulgpallireket naistele Auraspeed 90F J reketivars Auraspeed 90F J

VICTOR Auraspeed 90F J

Auraspeed reketisarja mudel ”oneshot” kollektsioonist, mis tähendab et antud mudelit on saadaval vaid piiratud koguses.

  • sobib hästi noortele, harrastusmängijatele kui ka võistlejatele
  • keskmise paindlikkusega vars
  • kerge reketipeaga
  • naiselik disain


Teeni toote ostuga 149 VICTOR punkti!


PYROFIL carbon fiber and its composites, are advanced high-performance materials from Japan. The characteristic of high intensity bonds ultra-light offers racket excellent shock-absorption and enhances control.


Built on the strengths of the NANO FORTIFY TR, the NANO FORTIFY TR+ is engineered with an advanced, more durable carbon-fiber that is firm but offers pleasing resilience and hand-feel.


Based on the principles of aerodynamics, the DYNAMIC-SWORD is further upgraded from the SWORD by adjusting different positions on the frame accordingly: 12 and 6 o’clock positions are made inward; 3 and 9 o’clock positions are made outward. The blade-like frame structure has a larger sectional area to direct airflow, making returns faster and smoother.


Designed by computer simulation and aided with the adoption of injection moulding technique, this revolutionized handle style allows the shaft to move more freely, which can not only make swings smoother but also improve overall handling experience.





roosa, lilla


High Resilience Modulus Graphite, Nano Fortify TR+, PYROFIL, 6.8 SHAFT


tasakaalus, kergelt head light


kergelt paindlik

Maksimaalne keelestuspinge

12,5kg 4U


82g 4U


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